Get up and go chase that dream

Motivation – Be The Band You’ve Always Wanted To See


Need a little new year motivation? Welcome to 2020, the so-called Vision Year.  20/20, get it?   Welcome to The Year of Taking Action.  No pressure.  It means you’re going to have to pay attention to all those dreams gathering dust on the shelf of memory.  You know, the ones where you live the life you’ve always wanted but we’re too afraid to chase.

And now, a litany of excuses.

The older we get, the easier it is to pile on the reasons to root yourself exactly where you are like some sad, stubborn tree.  You don’t have time or money to learn the new skill but you want to.  You can’t shake up your fragile situation but you need to.  You’re afraid you’ll fail.  You don’t want to be accountable to a dream that won’t work but you must.  You just don’t have the motivation.

If you repeat them like a mantra they’ll sound like logical, solid reasons instead of the flimsy fear-based excuses they are.  There’s that little childish protective part of your mind trying to save you from the danger of risk.  If you listen to that voice you will absolutely achieve nothing.  Meanwhile, you compare yourself to those who dared and you feel miserable.

Dream-chasing is hard work. 

If you want something better and bigger you’re going to have to shake it up.  Instead of dreaming about what you want to be, take steps and make it happen. If what you’re seeking isn’t simply “out there” you have to make it yourself.  Magic in life does happen but it takes some preparation. 

Kiss front man Paul Stanley said he founded the band because he never saw anything like it.  Instead of waiting for someone else to do it, he made the band he wanted to see.  Can you imagine how hard it was to convince everyone around him that a basic rock band could make it by adding garish make up and costumes?  Hint: no one believed in them but they never gave up on the dream. 

You can’t be afraid to look silly or fail. 

Paul wanted his dream and he acted.  He didn’t listen to the voice of self-doubt.  He didn’t rattle off The Litany of Excuses.  The result: 50 years later Kiss is on its 300th Farewell Tour. 

Paul Stanley not being afraid.

Write the book you’ve always wanted to read.  Paint the picture you’ve always wanted to see.  Start the business you’ve always wanted to patronize.  If you don’t see what you want in the world it’s your sign to create it yourself.  It worked pretty well for Paul Stanley. 

Why not you?

Get off your ass in 2020 and stop with the excuses. It doesn’t look good on you. How’s that for motivation?


Tom Serafini is a writer, illustrator, creativity motivator from Brooklyn New York. If you enjoyed this article give it a share and subscribe to the newsletter for more on the topics of personal growth, humor writing and Ollie’s adventures.



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