Dance Under The Stars Day

Dance Under The Stars Day, An Ollie Bug Story

Dance Under The Stars Day

Dance Under The Stars Day?

I know what you’re thinking: today is Valentine’s Day. Yes it is but today also goes by this other name in the faraway place of Moonwater Meadow. That’s where Ollie Bug, Adventure Spider lives.


I usually post humor fiction or motivational stories. However, most of my work centers around Ollie Bug, Adventure Spider. He’s the picture book part of my work. Herein lies one of his tales.

February brings the annual Dance Under The Stars Day fundraiser for Moonwater Observatory.  It’s a night of food, music, dancing and of course, the Sorta Giant Telescope (SGT).    

A few years ago, on February 14, the Moonwater SGT tracked an object flaming across the sky like a fiery fast-moving sunset.  The exciting discovery was thought to be a new comet.  It was an awfully big comet growing larger on the screen.  It wasn’t until it was too late did they realize they were not tracking comet but another failed rocket launch from the Meadow Exploration and Ballistic Engines Club.  The rocket crashed into and destroyed the Sorta Giant Telescope. 

Ollie and the Meadow gang admitted fault and agreed to pay for a new telescope.  Thus, the Annual Moonwater Observatory Dance Under The Stars  was born.  Of course, everyone thinks it’s a Valentine’s Day dance so the kissing booth is a big unintentional hit that spawned a sort of prequel fundraiser (see Smooch A Silly Spider Day). 

Come join us.  Tickets are $1 and include dinner, dancing and a tour of the observatory with time on the telescope just don’t touch anything).  The kissing booth is extra.  Bring a mint. 

About your author

Tom Serafini is a writer, illustrator, motivator of dreamers from Brooklyn, New York.  His first illustrated picture book, Ollie Bug and the Icky Sticky Thing From Space, will be funded through a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign coming soon.

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Tom Serafini is a writer, illustrator, creativity motivator from Brooklyn New York. If you enjoyed this article give it a share and subscribe to the newsletter for more on the topics of personal growth, humor writing and Ollie’s adventures.



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