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The Ghosts of Nostalgia

Ghosts of the Future

The memories of my childhood are punctuated with special moments shining like trophies in the glass case of memory.  Occasionally I like to visit them, take them out of the case and dust them off.  In doing so, I often forget that the memory is just a recording.  I cannot go back to those places…

Canoe Down A Snowy Mountain Day

Ollie and pals hit the slopes in a shiny canoe

An Ollie-Day Holiday story about a canoe (sort of). The little spider tugs at my shirt collar to get my attention. He reminds me it’s time to tell you a story involving a canoe about a little holiday he made up. He’s a joyous little soul who always makes people smile and reminds me of…

Top Ten Reasons Why Books (and Reading) Suck

Top Ten Reasons Books (and Reading) Suck By Tom Serafini File under Satire.  Unless you know someone to whom this applies… Books.  Who needs ’em? I mean, Everyone is so busy these days.  Who has the time to read a whole actual book?  I don’t.  I’m so busy with all my social media posts and…

Master The Art Of Fear With These 12 Tips!

  Why chase your dreams when you can sit under a blanket afraid of everything?   – Are your dreams and goals getting in the way of you leading an unproductive life?  – Does the idea of success keep you up in fits of anxiety all night? – Are your Netflix and chill moments being…

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