Christmas as a pop-up art installation

Good will toward all, for a limited time only


A good will post-holiday observation:

We took the Christmas tree down on January 5th. After days of preparation and care setting up, it all just disappeared in one day. It was like a pop-up art installation. Just like the sudden spike in good will and “holiday cheer”.

Christmas as a pop-up art installation.

Some people put the decorations up a few days before Christmas and take everything down the day after which I find both strange and sad. I always thought of it as a season we’d want to prolong and preserve for all it’s good cheer but I understand the enormity of it all makes us want to pack it up and start the new year fresh.

What about the afterglow?

The mixed feeling is: you don’t want that warm glow going away but you also want to get it all cleaned up because you’re over it.   However, out with the tree goes all the, “be of good cheer” stuff.  Why?

All of December we’re on a mission to greet everyone we see with the tidings of the season and a warm smile.  We’re seemingly more patient, more kind and more generous for the most part. Then on the 26th of December we’re back to telling people on the street to get the hell out of the way. 

Good will toward all?

Why are we so bent on logging as many “Happy Holidays!” as we can and as soon as “The Holiday Season” is over no one cares anymore?   Shouldn’t we be of this mindset all year?  Is it really so difficult to be kind and caring and generous as often as possible?

Then again…

I’m a very busy guy. I have lots going on. Sometimes I don’t have time to be kind. It takes up so much energy and effort. Should I try? Whatever,  I have eleven months to worry about it. 


Tom Serafini is a writer, illustrator, creativity motivator from Brooklyn New York. If you enjoyed this article give it a share and subscribe to the newsletter for more on the topics of personal growth, humor writing and Ollie’s adventures.



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