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Ollie Stories

Attempt A Moon Launch Day – An Ollie Bug Tale

In honor of the flight of Apollo 11 to the moon on July 16, 1969 we bring you the following Ollie Bug tale… The friends of Moonwater Meadow are a crafty bunch. A crafty bunch indeed.  Sometimes I’m not sure if they’re inventing new things or trying to find creative ways to set everything on…

What Would Ollie Do Wednesday Wisdom

A jet pack can take you to the skies but only your imagination can take you to the stars. This is this week’s Ollieism. The advice as written is perfect for the budding minds of children.  Adults, being all grown up and wrapped in the grip of the Really-Reals ignore it.  The adult-mind wheelhouse is…

What Would Ollie Do Wednesday (Friday Edition)

Today’s Ollieism: The world would be a happier place if everyone wore their underwear outside their pants. This way you could tell who wears Underoos. If I understand the metaphor that comes from the mind of a six year old, I believe he’s trying to say we’d all be a lot happier if we presented…

The Great Annual Lawnmower Race (And Running Of The Flowers)

A great race is upon the children of the meadow and the flowers, they are a-frightened… Every year in June, not July or August, the children of Moonwater Meadow (by children I mean a small round spider, a tall twitchy rabbit,  a super-heroic field mouse, a cuddly koala and a pair of bear brothers) gather…

Build A Paper Airplane Day- An Ollie Bug Tale

On some days, the quest for flight involves items of questionable safety where Ollie Bug is concerned. Safety isn’t exactly Job One , but it’s somewhere down the list.  You should never ask to see the list. Ollie and his friends throw together bits of wood, metal and whatever else looks lighter-than-air in hopes defying…

Star Wars Day 2018

I know someone who has never seen Star Wars. Any of them. He’s 55. How is that possible? He barely knew what the Death Star Was. The Death Star!!! I’m rather proud of the fact that my grandmother took my ten year old self to the movies to see the original Star Wars no less…

Dress Like Your Favorite Superhero, An Ollie Bug Tale

Today brings another Ollie-Holi-Day in Moonwater Meadow.  Ollie loves holidays and does a really good job making up these special days.  Since he’s very popular they catch on quick. Today is Dress Like your Favorite Superhero Day. It’s as simple as it sounds: everyone is in costume like some small version of Comicon.  They take…

Hug Your Favorite Bat, An Ollie Bug Tale

I have this little thing for National Observation Days.  So does my pal, Ollie Bug.Sometimes they’re cute and funny.  Sometimes they raise awareness for good causes and social issues. Sometimes they make me aware of days when it’s permissible to eat as much chocolate as I can get my hands on. Yesterday was National Bat…

Moonwater Labs Presents…The Helium Balloon Beach Chair*, An Ollie Tale

An Ollie Bug story that begins with the indisputable fact that spiders do not fly.  Spiders can do many marvelous and impressive things.  They can spin webs and hang from them in a menacing manner.  Although very scary, they’re really using the web to get better TV or radio reception.  They can jump and bounce…

Treehouse Pizza Party Day – An Ollie Tale

Today in the meadow there is pizza.  Well, there’s usually always pizza but today is different. Today is Treehouse Pizza Party Day, another Ollie holiday.  This means the meadow itself is very quiet.  There are no random rocket launches or subsequent uncontrolled fire.  There is no sound of video games and no bemoaning boredom. Up…

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