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Ollie Stories

Feed The Things Under Your Bed Day, An Ollie Tale

Ollie Bug knows there are the things that go, “Bump” in the night. We all know we actually hear these nerve shaking sounds that disturb the peaceful slumber and make us peer into the darkness.  That’s not our imagination but we’re told it’s just the house settling or the wind rattling the shutters.  You can’t…

Wear A Cape Day; An Ollie Bug Adventure

Celebrating individuality and creativity is a big deal around here. In the little world I write and paint there are different holidays.  We call them Ollie-days because they’re usually made up by Ollie, our resident genius. Wear A Cape Day is one such day in Moonwater Meadow.  On the surface it looks like everyone dresses…

Happy Groundfrog Day!

  What, you’ve never heard of Groundfrog Day?  Well, in Moonwater Meadow the  groundfrog comes out today to see if can spot its reflection in a mirror.  If it does then we get six more weeks of winter.  If it can’t see its reflection then we have an undead groundfrog vampire.  And then we have…

A special day to curl up by a comfy fire…

  In the world I’ve created, where a little spider lets his imagination run wild with all his friends there are special days on the calendar.  We call them Ollie-Days.  Today happens to be Curl Up By A Comfy Fire Day. On this day, a Sunday and a cold one here in the Northeast at…

Astronaut Ahoy!

Up here in space, our Earth looks like a peaceful blue white orb floating out there.  To Adventure Astronaut Ollie it looks like a marshmallow blueberry muffin. Ollie’s mission was simple, gather stardust to make a special cake frosting with some left over for hot chocolate.  He launched off the pad in Moonwater Meadow and…

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