Marshmallow Pirates invade Moonwater Meadow
The Marshmallow Pirates Invade Moonwater Meadow

Avast ye mateys!

Aye, ’tis an oft told frightening tale here in Moonwater Meadow.  A tale that’ll chill yer bones and shiver yer timbers (wherever those are).

On a dark autumn night,

a storm rolled into the meadow obliterating the moon and soaking the fields.  The rain fell so hard it sounded like acorns hitting the windows (which gave the windows awful headaches).  The bare trees twisted in the wind like specters reaching from the darkness.

Ollie Bug was tucked into his favorite chair with Mama’s blankie around him.  There was a comfy fire going to keep him warm.  He was alone with the TV, a bowl of popcorn and a bag of marshmallows.

The movie for the evening was The Pirates of the Pumpernickel Seas, a spider favorite.  The film  had nothing to do with pumpernickel and no one was sure why anyone would name a body of water after a hard, dry bread but it was still a rousing adventure.

Outside, the storm worsened.  Thunder clapped, rattling the panes and shaking the foundation.   A bolt of lightning struck the house.  It traveled down the chimney and lit up the room in a terrifying dance of blue electric tendrils.  The bulbs in the lamps popped like pirate canon fire while the TV spit a shower of 4th of July sparks.   The lightening dissipated around the little bag of  marshmallows resting in the chair.   If Ollie considered his wits, he’d be frightened out of them.

The house was quiet and dark.  The storm raged on outside.    Ollie lit a few candles around the room and calmed down.  He checked the TV,  saw it was fine and resumed his movie.  He settled in his big comfy chair and felt a poke in his side.  Rubbing the spot of insult, he found what looked like a pin sticking out of the marshmallow bag.  He gave it a small tug.  The bag erupted in a flurry of action as a band of screaming marshmallow pirates spilled forth and chased him around the house.

Like a little tornado, the band of pirates complete with little swords, hats and bandanas chased Ollie into the kitchen.  Once through the door, they disappeared out of sight leaving Ollie to wonder if he imagined everything.  With a shrug he went to the refrigerator for a piece of fruit.   When he opened the door there came a whooping and a screaming from inside the vegetable crisper.  The pirates hurtled after him once again.

Ollie tried to out run the pirates around the dining room table.  He skidded to a stop once he realized he was all alone once again.  Panting,  he looked around and found no trace of pirate, sword or hat.  It was all very quiet except for the ticking clock.  The candles flickered out leaving him in total darkness.

There was a soft giggle in the darkness.  With a flash of lightning, Ollie saw he was surrounded by sword wielding pirates.  He tore through them and ran to the living room.  He leapt over the coffee table, weary of being chased.  The pirates followed onto the table and into the popcorn bowl which tipped toward the fire.   Ollie turned with a gasp.  As scared as he was he couldn’t stand the thought of roasted marshmallow pirates.  He slung a web (because that’s what spiders do) and, like the daring pirates on TV, swung from the chandelier.  He scooped up the bowl, sparing them from the flames.

The band of humbled pirates climbed out of the bowl and stood there with their hats, swords and sad little smiles.  One spoke up, “Ahem…ahoy deah”.  Ollie asked, “Why are you chasing me, what do you want?”     They were quiet, maybe thinking.  One said, “We weren’t chasing you.  We were just playing”.  Another cleared its little throat and added, “We don’t have many friends.  We’d like someone to snuggle with and watch movies”.  Ollie let out a laugh that startled the little pirates.

On his big comfy chair, Ollie sat with a boatload of marshmallow renegades tucked into his big comfy blanket with hot chocolate and The Pirates of the Pumpernickel Seas.  “Oooh, I like this part,” said one.  “Can I have a drink of water?” asked another.  “And maybe read us a story before bed time?”

So it went that The Night of the Marshmallow Pirates wasn’t about pillaging marauders.  It was about a lonely band of lightening charged renegades in search of a friend, a cuddle and a bedtime story.

Who wouldn’t want that?


Tom Serafini is a writer, illustrator, creativity motivator from Brooklyn New York. If you enjoyed this article give it a share and subscribe to the newsletter for more on the topics of personal growth, humor writing and Ollie’s adventures.



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